What's happening locally and nationally






January 2024 Newsletter
December 2024 Newsletter
October 2024 Newsletter
OFNC GOS Survey 2024 04/10/2024

The Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee (OFNC) is seeking to capture the views and concerns of General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) contractors so that it can put forward the strongest possible case for an increase in the GOS sight test fee.

September 2024 Newsletter
Staffs LOC CPD Day 2024!
The line up is confirmed for our CPD day on 14th October and it's looking fabulous!

Up to 15 CPD points up for grabs including Peer review plus the chance to complete your CPD Reflective Exercise!
August 2024 Newsletter
Temporary Closures due to Unrest - Comms to Pharmacy, Optometry and Dental contractors - 06/08/2024
Communications from the West Midlands ICBs for our Optical contractors regarding the recent racial violence and unrest across the UK.
July 2024 Newsletter
Staffordshire LOC CPD Day 2024
To be held on Monday 14th October at Aston Marina, Lichfield Road, Stone ST15 8QU
Virtual AGM 15th July
Please find attached the invitation to join us for our virtual AGM to be
held on Monday 15th July at 7pm

You can book on at eventbrite

June 2024 Newsletter
Updated guidance documents for pre-cat and glaucoma referral refinement referrals from non-participating practices
Please find attached updated guidance documents for the Staffordshire Cataract and Glaucoma services for non-participating practices to be able to correctly refer patients into the commissioned pathways.
Don't forget it's easy to become accredited & join the schemes too - please ask for more details
May 2024 Newsletter
April 2024 Newsletter
Primary Eyecare Finance Update March 2024
Click here to read a letter from Primary Eyecare Services regarding the New Payment Process
Irfan Razvi standing in College Elections 7 February 2024
Voting has opened for the College of Optometrists Council Election 2024. A ballot is being
held in the West Midlands region, and those of you who are College members, and whose
main correspondence address is in this region, are eligible to vote.
Among the candidates standing for election is our own IRFAN RAZVI, Chair of Staffordshire
Local Optical Committee for the last four and a half years.
Staffordshire LOC AGM - Monday 3rd July 2023
Staffordshire LOC's 2023 AGM takes place at Aston Marina in Stone, on 3rd July 2022 at 6.30pm.
Staffordshire LOC - CPD Day, 6th June 2023
To be held at Aston Marina, Lichfield Road, Stone ST15 8QU

Overlooking the tranquil waterways of the Trent & Mersey canal, within its own private grounds surrounded by rolling Staffordshire countryside, this stunning venue is perfect for our event.
CUES Telemedicine Service - Now Live! 3rd April 2023
We are pleased to announce that the CUES Telemedicine pathway is now live across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS (excluding the East Staffordshire locality).
Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent ICB Cataract and Glaucoma Services - 2nd March 2023
Click here to read a letter from Primary Eyecare Services, regarding a recent update on how non-participating optometrists can access the locally commissioned  cataract and glaucoma pathways in Staffordshire.
HRH Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Funeral: Bank Holiday Service Provision (Monday 19th September 2022) 13/09/2022
Please click here to view important information from NHSE about bank holiday arrangements for Optical practices.
Covid Booster Update - England - 12/09/2022
Please note that the National Booking Service in England is now open to healthcare workers. This means that optical teams in England can start to book their vaccination: Book or manage a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - 08/09/2022
Staffordshire LOC is deeply saddened to have learnt of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen, and it echoes the sentiments expressed within the College of Optometrists' statement.
COVID-19 Universal Mask Wearing Update 08/07/2022
Please click the following link 20220705_Mask_Wearing.pdf (mcusercontent.com) to access a letter from NHSE Midlands regarding an update on mask wearing.
Staffordshire LOC AGM, 30th June 2022, 6.30pm - 09/06/2022
Staffordshire LOC's 2022 AGM takes place at Yarnfield Park Conference Centre, Stone, ST15 0NL on 30th June 2022 at 6.30pm.
Withdrawal of UKHSA infection prevention and control measures in England - 7th June 2022
The College of Optometrists has new information following the withdrawal of UKHSA infection prevention and control measures in England.

Please see the statement: Withdrawal of UKHSA infection prevention and control measures in England - College of Optometrists (college-optometrists.org)
IPC and Management of COVID cases in Primary Care Settings 3rd March 2022
Please click here to see an updated SOP relating to management of COVID cases in primary care settings.  This has been refreshed to take account of recent updates to guidance around testing and IPC.
Wet AMD & Retinal Vein Occlusion Referrals to Royal Stoke University Hospital/UHNM - 3rd March 2022
We have received notification that with immediate effect, new referral methods for Rapid access Wet AMD & RVO referrals to Royal Stoke University Hospital (RSUH), UHNM is email: uhnm.ophthalmology@nhs.net or FAX: 0844 272 8486

NHS England West Midlands Communication - 23rd February 2022
Please see information below from NHS England West Midlands:
Update to Self-Isolation Guidance - 17th January 2022
Please click here to view the latest update to the Self-Isolation Guidance from NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - A Guide for Registrants - 23rd November 2021
Please click here to view information on Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
COVID-19 Booster Vaccination for Frontline Health and Social Care Staff - 23rd November 2021
For those of you who have not yet had your booster vaccination, here is a quick reminder of the process:
CET to CPD - What you need to know, 18th November 2021
With the final CET cycle coming to an end, it’s time to wave goodbye to CET points, and say hello to the new continuing professional development (CPD) system – active from 1st January 2022.
Afghan Relocation and Resettlement Schemes - Additional Guidance for Optometry Practices 20th October 2021
Please read important information about Afghan Relocation and resettlement schemes below.
Flu Vaccines Provided for Optical Staff - 1st October 2021
NHS England & NHS Improvement have made new funding available for influenza vaccines for patient-facing NHS general ophthalmic contractors and their frontline staff.
NHSmail and DSPT Update - 21st September 2021
Please click here to view a communication from NHSE/NHS Digital regarding NHSmail and DSPT.
Self Isolation Clarification from NHS England - 21st September 2021
To view the current guidance from NHS England regarding Self Isolation please click here
Patient Signatures for GOS Forms Restarting - 8th September 2021
The Department of Health and Social Care have confirmed that patient signatures on GOS claims will become mandatory again from 1 September, so COVID 19 can no longer be used in place of a patient signature for sight tests that take place from this date onwards.
Guidance re Changes in Self Isolation Exemptions - 20th August 2021
Guidance re self-isolation exemptions has changed as of the 16th August in line with a wider relaxation nationally of COVID measures.
OFNC Statement on GOS Contract Management Functions - 3rd August 2021
Please click here to read the latest statement from the OFNC about GOS contract management functions.
Self-Isolation Exemption Brief - 3rd August 2021
Please click here for an important update from NHSE regarding self-isolation where staff have been doubly vaccinated.
Optical Sector Statement on withdrawal of standard operating procedures for optical practices and self-isolation exemption in England - 21st July 2021
Sector bodies advise that optical practices should continue to follow Amber guidance, and self-isolation exemptions in England are unlikely to apply in primary eye care settings.
Staffordshire LOC Virtual AGM - Presentations - 19th July 2021
Thank you to all who attended our AGM on Thursday 15th July 2021.
Joint Statement COVID 19 Guidance for Primary Eyecare Services - 13th July 2021
Click here to read COVID 19 Guidance for Primary Eyecare Services - 13th July 2021
The Orthoptic and Binocular Vision Association Seminar 26th July 2021
Following the 2019 successful meeting, a Seminar will again be held by OBVA at Aston University on Monday 26th July 2021.
Staffordshire LOC Virtual AGM - Thursday 15th July 2021
Staffordshire LOC is holding it's virtual AGM on Thursday 15th July 2021 at 7pm.
Staffordshire CUES Training Event - 29th March 2021
Staffordshire LOC and Primary Eyecare Services Ltd (PES) jointly ran a Virtual CUES Training Event on Monday 29 March.  A number of useful updates were shared in terms of:  

Use of IP and OCT bolt-ons 
Staffs CUES Medicines Supply Table 
Telemedicine and Video Consultation methods 
Review of CUES service performance.   
Contraindication to use of Chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops in children under 2 years of age - 30th March 2021
Following on from recent communication to GP practices from NHSE, we are now confirming the situation with the use of topical Chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops and 1% eye ointment in children who are under 2 years of age.
Rowley Hall Hospital - Relocation to new Beacon Park location - 25th February 2021
Staffordshire LOC has been advised that the new Beacon Park Hospital, Stafford (an extension of Rowley Hall Hospital) is now up and running.
Staffordshire LOC COVID-19 Vaccination UPDATE 20th January 2021
We have now received confirmation from University Hospital of North Midlands that they are now inviting optical staff in Staffordshire for the COVID-19 vaccination.
Staffordshire LOC COVID 19 & Vaccination Update - 14th January 2021
For the latest updates please see below.
CUES Launch Event - Monday 7th December 2020
COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) delivered by Primary Eyecare Services officially launched as of 27th November 2020.  
OFNC Statement 26th October 2020
To read the latest statement from OFNC please see below.
Staffordshire LOC Virtual AGM and Election, Wednesday 21st October 2020
Staffordshire LOC's virtual (online) 2020 AGM will take place on Wednesday 21 October at 7.00pm. This is your opportunity to find out about the work of the committee in support of the optical professions in Staffordshire over the last year. Naturally, there will be special emphasis on the challenges that we all faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the LOC's vision for the recovery phase, and for the uncertain months that still lie ahead of us.
Staffordshire LOC COVID 19 Update 17th June 2020
I am pleased to report that we now have confirmation from NHSE that Optical practices can resume GOS (routine) work, subject to appropriate infection prevention & control measures.
Staffordshire LOC COVID 19 Update 29th May 2020
There has been new guidance issued by OFNC around Essential Eye Care provision on 27th May 2020, which was further clarified on 29th May 2020.
Staffordshire LOC COVID 19 Update 19th May 2020
As it stands, routine sight testing is still suspended in the UK. Current clinical advice on delivery of essential, urgent and emergency eye care remains in place.
Staffordshire LOC COVID-19 Update 5th May 2020
It has been just over three weeks since the last formal update from the LOC.
Important Information - Urgent response Required from all West Midlands GOS Contractors 15th April 2020

In order to collate an accurate and current overview of the service provision available to patients in the West Midlands, we ask now that all GOS contractors complete the questionnaire at the link below:

Staffordshire Referral Pathways 15th April 2020
You will have received a constant stream of information regarding how to deliver essential and urgent eye care services in community practice. You will be providing these services using both GOS and MECS platforms using telephony, video consultations and where necessary, face to face examination.
Staffordshire LOC COVID-19 Update 10th April 2020
I am taking this opportunity to share the main developments over the last week.
New Cross Eye Referral Unit (ERU) Opening Hours 6th April 2020
Staffordshire LOC has received the following information about New Cross Eye Referral Unit (ERU) opening hours from Nicola Thomas-Hands, Directorate Manager. This information will be useful to all South Staffordshire practices who are still open.
Staffordshire LOC COVID-19 Update 1st April 2020
I do hope you are all well. I share your frustrations with the delayed responses and lack of clarity from national bodies as well as professional organisations. The unprecedented experience of living through a pandemic is hard enough without the uncertainty within our profession.
COVID-19 Latest Update OFNC re: Practice Opening 24th March 2020
Please see below to read the latest guidance from OFNC regarding practice Opening.
Coronavirus Advice for Optometrists - The College of Optometrists 23rd March 2020
Please read the link below for updated advice for optometrist regarding the Coronavirus.

Optometrist Job/Sessions at UHNM - 9th July 2019
Following on from the Optometrist event at UHNM last month. David Jinks, Deputy Directorate Manager, would like to thank all those that attended and made it a great evening.

The advert is now live for the Optometrist sessions, please see link below.

If anyone is interested and wants to know more about what’s on offer they can contact Mr Musadiq mohammed.musadiq@uhnm.nhs.uk or david.jinks@uhnm.nhs.uk
Link to the Job - http://jobs.uhnm.nhs.uk/job/v1642418
Visualise Training and Consultancy - Daniel Williams - 26th June 2019
Staffordshire optometrists and dispensing opticians who attended Staffordshire LOC's AGM on 11 June will have had the pleasure of viewing the prior CET event, "An Introduction to Visual Impairment" by Daniel Williams of Visualise Training and Consultancy.
Optometry Workforce Development Grants - 2nd May 2019
Staffordshire LOC is delighted to report that it has secured a grant from NHS England towards the training and upskilling of optometrists from Staffordshire-based community optical practices, and we would like to share news of this opportunity with our colleague practitioners.
Referral Refinement Event Slides - 24th January 2019
The slides from the Referral Refinement Event of 24th January can be viewed here.
Qi0 Common Themes and Learning - 7th January 2019
Following the submissions of the QiOs and the selection of assurance visits that have taken place following these submissions, NHS England would like to clarify some information around some question/areas which are part of the assurance requirements for ophthalmic services.
North Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Referral Refinement Event - 24th January 2019
There is a Referral Refinement Event taking place on Thursday 24th January 2019 at Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre, Yarnfield, Stone, ST15 0NL commencing at 6.30pm with a buffet, and refreshments will also be provided.
Nominations Invited for Position Vacant on Staffordshire LOC - 26th November 2018
Following the resignation of longstanding member Mike Cody (CLO and Contractor) from Staffordshire Local Optical Committee, a casual vacancy has arisen on the committee.
Clinical Governance & Performance Leads - Primary Eyecare Services - 16th October 2018
As part of the merger of Primary Eyecare companies, we are inviting applications for clinical governance and performance leads in Shropshire & Staffordshire covering services in these areas commissioned through the company.
South Staffs Optical Society meeting - 10th October 2018
South Staffs Optical Society held a meeting on 10th October at the Moat House, Acton Trussell. This event was sponsored by Staffordshire LOC.
Appropriateness of Referrals to Cannock Chase Hospital (23/08/2018)
Mel Riley, Group Manager Ophthalmology for RWHT, contacted Staffordshire LOC yesterday to advise that a number of referrals have been sent into Cannock Chase Hospital Eye Department recently which were found not to be suitable for assessment and/or management there.
Choroidal Naevi Referrals to Queens Hospital Burton - Photographs Requested (23/08/2018)
In recent months there has been a surge of referrals of choroidal nevi from the opticians from Burton, Tamworth,Lichfield and some out of the catchment area too. Following a recent audit on the nevi, one recommendation was that the opticians could attach a copy of the photograph of the nevus along with the first new referral to help the triaging of the referral letters appropriately in to the correct clinics and also address capacity issues in the ultrasound clinic.
GOS 1 Returns and Early Re-test Reason Codes - 11th July 2018
A number of you have contacted Staffordshire LOC because you have had a number of GOS claims (particularly GOS 1 forms) returned to you by PCSE recently. Apparently this is happening across the board, and there has been a recent spike in the volume of returns.
Staffordshire LOC on Social Media (12/07/2018)
Staffordshire LOC has now launched its own Facebook and Twitter accounts. These will help to keep practitioners up to date with local and national news and developments, together with Public Health updates for patients.
Seeing Beyond the Eyes Event, 5 September (18/06/2018)
Please find below a link to, Seeing Beyond the Eyes CET event which is going to be held in Wolverhampton on 5th September. The seminar is designed to help optometrists and dispensing opticians to learn more about supporting patients with sight loss, and provides information about specialist services and referral pathways
Optical Confederation on Applying for a Second Pair Voucher - 06/06/2018
Please click here for guidance from the Optical Confederation on Applying for a Second Pair Voucher.
Opticial Confederation - Guidance on applying for a non-tolerance voucher 06/06/2018
Please click here for the Optical Confederation guidance on applying for a non-tolerance voucher
Staffordshire LOC AGM - Tuesday 12th June 2018 - 15/05/2018
Staffordshire LOC will be holding it's AGM on Tuesday 12th June 2018.
General Data Protection Requirements (GDPR) 14/05/2018
Data protection law in the UK will change on 25 May 2018, with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is the biggest change to data protection legislation since the Data Protection Act (DPA) in the late 1990s, and it will affect everyone in the optical sector.

Data Security and Protection Requirements 2017 - 19 - 28/02/2018
Guidance for implementing the new data security and protection requirements whose target audience are those who provide eye health services, contracting via the NHS Standard Contract.
Casual Vacancy on Staffordshire Local Optical Committee - 25/01/2018
Following the resignation of one of its members, a casual vacancy has arisen on Staffordshire Local Optical Committee. The LOC is keen that this position should be filled by a local performer - i.e. an optometrist who is performing primary ophthalmic services in the Staffordshire area.
MECS Direct Electronic Routine Referrals to Cannock Chase Hospital - 25/01/2018
Whilst the quality and safety of South Staffordshire MECS is increasingly being remarked upon by GPs and commissioners, a number of local GPs have expressed some frustration that routine referrals from MECS are still being made through the GP in most instances, rather than directly to the Eye Department. Whilst this is largely a historical anomaly, one can sympathise with GPs when they grumble that they are performing little more than a clerical service, as they will rarely (if ever) deflect such referrals to the Eye Department if requested to make them by the optometrist.
PCSE Update - 23/01/2018
Now that most optical practices have completed and submitted their Quality in Optometry (QiO) GOS Contract Compliance checklists, the NHS England Area Team is meeting on 22 January to plan Post Payment Verification Visits (PPV) to Staffordshire practices
Phasing out of Optician Practice Screening - 23/01/2018
By now, you should have all received a letter from Helen Jones, Staffordshire DESP Programme Manager, advising you of the gradual phasing out of diabetic eye screening from opticians' practices, to be replaced by NHS screening sites. Many of you have asked the LOC for its view on the matter.
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic - 02/01/2018
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Ophthalmology outpatient clinic, which runs out of County Hospital in Stafford, will be moving bases to Cannock Chase Hospital. This is due to University Hospital of North Midlands (UHNM) serving notice on the rooms that they operated out of.
NICE Glaucoma Guideline (NG81) – Key Points and Actions for Optical Professionals in Staffordshire - 20/12/2017
The revised “NICE Guideline Glaucoma: diagnosis and management” came into effect on 1 November 2017.
GOS 1 Returns and Early Re-test Reason Codes
A number of you have contacted Staffordshire LOC because you have had a number of GOS claims (particularly GOS 1 forms) returned to you by PCSE recently. Apparently this is happening across the board, and there has been a recent spike in the volume of returns.
MECS/GRR OSCEs- 21/06/2017
Staffordshire LOC are running a further set of MECS and GRR OSCEs in July.
Staffordshire LOC AGM - Tuesday 13th June 2017 - 19/05/2017
Staffordshire LOC's AGM and CET event will take place on Tuesday 13th June 2017
NHS Cataract Clinic Rowley Hall Hospital - Temporary Closure - 10/04/2017
Rowley Hall Hospital in Stafford have advised that in recent weeks they have had a huge increase in NHS cataract referrals from Opticians and GPs which has resulted in very limited clinic and theatre capacity.
Notice of Glaucoma Referral Refinement Scheme - 17/03/2017
As you may be aware, Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) have been in talks with South East Staffs & Seisdon CCG regarding the commissioning of a Glaucoma Referral Refinement scheme. I am pleased to advise you that we have now received agreement for this service which SASPEC hopes will launch in May.
Notice of MECS Scheme in South Staffordshire - 17/03/2017
As you may be aware, Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) have been in talks with the CCGs from Stafford & Surrounds, Cannock Chase and South East Staffs & Seisdon regarding the commissioning of a Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS), formally known as PEATS, and recommissioning the service in the case of Stafford & Surrounds and Cannock Chase. I am pleased advise you that we have now received agreement from all 3 CCGs for this service which SASPEC hopes will launch in April for those already on the scheme in Stafford & Surrounds and Cannock Chase practices, and May for practices in the South East Staffordshire & Seisdon areas
OSCEs - GRR & PEATS - 23/01/2017
Staffordshire LOC are holding both a GRR and MECS/PEARS OSCEs event on Monday 13th March. This event is for Optometrists practicing in the Staffordshire area, who would like to gain accreditation to either Glaucoma Referral Refinement or PEARS/MECS schemes (or both).

Continuing Community Services Under SASPEC Company Model - 16/01/2017
As you will be aware we have now had formal agreement from the North Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent CCGs, to re-commission the following pathways under the Company Model (SASPEC):
•Acute Eye Services
•Glaucoma Services
•Pre & Post Operative Cataract Services
•Paediatric Shared Care
Expressions of Interest for North Staffs & Stoke Eyecare Services Re-launch - 16/01/2017
Primary Eyecare Shropshire & Staffordshire Ltd (SASPEC) - the LOC Company, has been in discussions with North Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent CCGs with the aim of re-launching the current shared care pathways using the LOCSU company model.

We are pleased to confirm that the CCG have agreed our proposal to re-commission these pathways with a managed service provided by SASPEC. This means that SASPEC will deal with the running and management of the service and individual practices will sub-contract to SASPEC rather than the CCG.
Notice of PEARS/MECS and GRR OSCEs - 15/01/2017
Staffordshire LOC are holding both a GRR and MECS/PEARS OSCEs event on Monday 13th March. This event is for Optometrists practising in the Staffordshire area, who would like to gain accreditation to either Glaucoma Referral Refinement or PEARS/MECS schemes (or both).
LOC Office - Christmas Opening Hours - 20/12/2016
The LOC Office will close on Tuesday 20th December and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Queens Hospital Direct Cataract (DAC) Referrals - Faxed Referrals No Longer Accepted - Update 19/12/2016
Queens hospital will now allow Direct Access Cataract referrals to be faxed to their Treatment Centre, if the practice does not have a NHS.net email address, however, it is their intention that should this machine stop working then it will not be replaced. With this in mind Staffordshire LOC would recommend that all practices who refer into Queens Hospital complete the IG Toolkit which can be reached via the following link https://www.igt.hscic.gov.uk/

The fax number to be used with immediate effect is 01283 536760
Notice of MECS & GRR OSCEs - 01/12/2016
Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) will shortly be running 2 OSCE events
Medical Retina Teaching Evening - 8th November 2016- 08/11/2016
A Medical Retina Teaching Evening was held at North Staffs Medical Institute on Tuesday 8th November.

PCSE Optician Update October 2016 - 20/10/2016
Please see below the recent update from Primary Care Support England
Medical Retina Teaching Evening 04/10/2016
University Hospital of North Midlands have joined forces with the diabetic team to arrange a medical retina teaching evening on:

Tuesday 8th November at North Staffs Medical Institute.
6.00pm for a 6.30pm start. Food will be provided.
National Eye Health Week - 19th - 25th September 2016 - 14/09/2016
National Eye Health Week is from 19th - 25th September 2016
North Staffs & Stoke on Trent CCG Office Move - 13/09/2016
As of 12th September 2016, North Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Clinical Commissioning Groups will be located at the following address:

Smithfield 1 Building
Leonard Coates Way
Stoke on Trent

Brian Hillman -update- 12/07/2016
Staffordshire LOC are very sorry to hear of the passing of Brian Hillman a North Staffordshire optometrist who has recently passed away.

Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
CET Grant Forms- 06/07/2016
Please note that CET (Continuing Education and Training) Claim forms should be sent directly to Ophthalmic Payments via the email lasca.claims@nhs.net
Post Operative Cataract Pathway- 30/06/2016
SASPEC have been in talks with Stafford & Surrounds, Cannock Chase, East Staffordshire and South East Staffordshire CCGs who have expressed a desire, subject to clarifying the final details, for a post operative cataract pathway in their areas.
PEATS/MECS & GRR OSCEs- 27/06/2016
Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) will shortly be running a LOCSU MECS/PEARS Part B (OSCEs) and a GRR OSCEs assessment. The event will take place on Thursday, 14th July, at Prince & Bates Opticians, 193 Station Road, Burton on Trent, DE14 1BH with the first round of assessments taking place from 6pm.
Invitation to a CET event at Optegra Eye Hospital on 22nd July- 21/06/2016
Contemporary Advances in Cataract and Refractive surgery

Followed by an optional tour of the Optegra Eye hospital facilities
Staffordshire LOC AGM - Tuesday 14th June 2016- 17/05/2016
The Staffordshire LOC AGM will be held on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre in Yarnfield, Stone, Staffordshire 6.30pm for 6.45pm start.

PEATS in the News!- 17/05/2016
Here is a link to a report in the Staffordshire Newsletter of outstanding and prompt eye care given to a patient by the Stafford and Cannock PEATS scheme.
PEATS/GRR CET Event - Monday 16th May- 17/05/2016
The presentations from the PEATS/GRR CET event which was held at the Stafford Postgraduate centre, on Monday 16th May are now available to view on the Professional page of the Staffordshire LOC website.
Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR CET Event - 20/04/2016
Staffordshire LOC has organised a PEATS (Primary Eye care Assessment & Treatment Service) and GRR (Glaucoma Referral Refinement) CET event for Monday 16 May, taking place in the Stafford Postgraduate Medical Centre. Although it is intended ostensibly for the benefit of optometrists actively participating in the Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR services, it will also be of relevance to any optometrists in South Staffordshire who are not yet accredited, but who might be interested in signing up to the services in the near future.
New NHS Voucher Values- 19/04/2016
To view the NHS general ophthalmic fees and optical voucher values for financial year 2016 to 2017, please use the following link:

New Cataract Referral Criteria for South Staffordshire- 19/04/2016
Staffordshire LOC has just been informed by the commissioning manager for East Staffordshire CCG that the criteria for Cataract procedures have changed, with effect from 1st April 2016
Diabetic Eye Screening Practices and Information Governance Compliance - 16/04/2016
You will no doubt recall the email sent from Staffordshire LOC to all diabetic eye screening practices on 8 March, which advised all diabetic eye screening practices not to complete the Information Governance (IG) Toolkit until further clarification had been received.
Diabetic Screening Practices and Information Governance Compliance- 15/04/2016
You will recall an email from Helen Jones sent to the Alert Centre on Optomize on 15 February, advising of the need for all optical practices participating in the Staffordshire diabetic eye screening programme to complete an Information Governance assessment, via the on-line IG Toolkit Version 13 (2015-16).
Possible Payment Identification Issues- 09/03/2016
The NHS payments service delivered by Primary Care Support England from Preston may start delivering payments without itemisation
Amendments to Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR Guidance for Accredited Optometrists- 09/02/2016
The following amendments to Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR Guidance have been agreed between the service commissioners and Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd / SASPEC, following a services review meeting of 22 December 2015. You will also find a couple of reminders about existing guidance.
Information about referrals to University Hospitals of North Midlands **UPDATE** - 21/01/2016
It has come to light that University Hospitals of North Midlands has unilaterally changed its ‘referral in’ policy. This has resulted in a number of referrals not being accepted and ‘bounced back’ to the original referrer.
Referral into PEATS from 111- 12/01/2016
At a services review meeting with Stafford and Cannock CCGs on 22 December, an appraisal of the Primary Eyecare Assessment and Treatment Service (PEATS) demonstrated high levels of clinical excellence, cost savings and patient satisfaction. Hence, the CCGs are keen to increase the service’s activity, and it was agreed that Stafford and Cannock PEATS would accept referrals from the 111 service.
CET Grant Forms 2015- 25/11/2015
The 2015 CET grant forms are now available to download.
Oral Supplements for Macular Degeneration- 29/05/2015
Staffordshire LOC has been contacted by the South Staffordshire CCGs, with a request to circulate the following information to our fellow optometrists and dispensing opticians.
GRR Reminder to all Stafford and Cannock Optoms- 23/09/2015
On 20th July 2015, the Stafford & Cannock Glaucoma Referral Refinement (GRR) pathway was launched for community Optometry. The primary motivations behind this scheme are the NICE guidelines (2009) and subsequent need to keep false positive cases of raised IOP from reaching secondary care setting
LOC Office- 26/08/2015
Please note that the LOC Office will be closed from 2.45pm on Thursday 27th August 2015 until 8.15am on Tuesday 7th September 2015.
Direct Access Cataract Training- 25/08/2015
We are running another Direct Access Cataract training session on Monday 28th September 2015 at 6.30pm at Stafford Business Village in Stafford
North Staffs/Stoke Acute Pathway - Change to Accreditation Requirements- 12/08/2015
Following discussions with Stoke and North Staffordshire CCGs, SASPEC is pleased to announce that the requirements for training and accreditation to the North Staffs / Stoke Acute pathway (soon to be renamed North Staffs / Stoke Primary Eyecare Assessment & Treatment Service [PEATS]) have been made significantly more straightforward.
LOC Office- 16/07/2015
Please note that the LOC Office will be closed from 2.45pm on 16th July 2015 until 8.15am on 27th July 2015.
Ordering GOS Forms- 17/06/2015
As you will be aware Primary Care Support Services have now relocated.

There is a new process for ordering GOS forms.
Stafford and Cannock PEATS - Invitation to Border Practices- 11/06/2015
There may be a last minute opportunity for Staffordshire practices outside (but bordering) Stafford & Surrounds and Cannock Chase CCG areas to participate in the Stafford and Cannock Primary Eyecare Assessment & Treatment Service (PEATS), scheduled for launch on 1 July 2015.
Staffordshire LOC AGM - Tuesday 16th June- 18/05/2015
The Staffordshire LOC AGM will be held on Tuesday 16th June at the Stone House Hotel in Stone
Relocation of Primary Care Support Services- 14/05/2015
You will have received a leaflet from the West Midlands Primary Care Support Office.
Stafford & Cannock PEARS OSCEs- 01/05/2015
Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) will be running a LOCSU MECS/PEARS Part B (OSCEs) assessment in Stafford on Sunday 7 June.
PEATS Clinical Triage- 30/04/2015
Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) is seeking a team of experienced optometrists to provide clinical triage for referrals into the Stafford & Cannock Primary Eyecare Assessment & Treatment Service (PEATS)
GOS Claims- 23/04/2015
The LOC have been informed by the current financial services of NHS England that Staffordshire practitioners will soon have to submit their GOS claims ( ie. completed GOS1, GOS 3, etc forms ) directly to LASCA in Preston in order to claim the NHS fees.
Stafford and Cannock Primary Eyecare Assessment and Treatment (PEATS) Service - 30/03/2015
As many of you know, Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC) presented a bid for a Primary Eyecare Assessment and Treatment Service (PEATS) pilot on 13 January, in response to notice of a tender for the service by Stafford & Surrounds (SAS) and Cannock Chase (CC) CCGs. I’m pleased to advise you that SAS PEC has been confirmed as the preferred provider for the pilot, which is scheduled to run for 18 months, and which the company hopes to launch in the early summer.
Primary Eyecare (Shrops & Staffs Ltd): Finance Lead Required- 26/03/2015
Primary Eyecare (Shropshire & Staffordshire) Ltd (SAS PEC), having appointed a Board of Directors and Clinical Governance & Performance Leads for all Staffordshire community eyecare services, is now in a position to appoint a Finance Lead
Managing Non-Tolerance Issues- 23/03/2015
Report from the Optical Confederation on Managing Non-Tolerance Issues
Tender for the Renewal of a Contract for Supply and Fitting of Low Visual Aids and Contact Lenses- 26/02/2015
We have received an email from Stephen Boulton Contracts Manager working in the Supplies and Procurement Department for the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust giving the opportunity to tender for work for the supply and fitting of Low Visual Aids and Contact Lenses
Direct Access Cataract Training - 3rd March 2015
Staffordshire LOC is holding another Direct Access Cataract Training session.

National Performers List Website- 14/01/2015
You were emailed towards the end of last year regarding the closure of the National Performers List.
Glaucoma Referral Refinement Pathway Launch Evening- 06/01/2015
The launch meeting for the recommissioned and expanded Stafford & Surrounds and Cannock Chase Glaucoma Referral Refinement (GRR) pathway will take place on the evening of Thursday 5th February at 6pm at the Stafford Postgraduate Medical Centre.
LOC Office- 18/12/2015
The LOC Office will be closed from 2.45pm on Thursday 18th December until Monday 5th January.
Glaucoma OSCEs and Taster Events- 20/11/2014
On 11th December 2014, WOPEC will be running a LOCSU Glaucoma OSCEs assessment for optometrists based in Stafford & Surrounds and Cannock Chase CCG areas at Specsavers Opticians in Stafford.
Closure of National Performers List Website- 20/11/2014
We have been advised that the National Performers List website www.performer.england.nhs.uk will be closing on the 31st December 2014.
Increase in Direct Access Cataract Waiting Times at Rowley Hall Hospital- 05/11/2014
Staffordshire LOC has recently been contacted by Mel Savage, Head of Commissioning at Stafford & Surrounds (SAS) and Cannock Chase (CC) CCGs. Mel informs us that Rowley Hall hospital is currently struggling with the demand for cataract procedures, and she is concerned about the waiting times patients are now experiencing.
Talk on Keratoconus- 08/10/2014
Anupama Pherwani - Consultant Ophthalmologist at UHNS is giving a talk on Keratoconus on Wednesday 12th November 2014.
Community Eye Care Pathways for Stafford and Cannock- 26/09/2014
Staffordshire LOC is currently involved in discussions with Stafford and Cannock CCGs, and other local eye health stakeholders, about the commissioning of Glaucoma, Paediatrics and PEARS community eye care services.
Direct Access Cataract Training - 23/09/2014
Staffordshire LOC is holding a Direct Access Cataract Training session on 6th November 2014.
Staffordshire LOC Fax Number Change- 22/09/2014
Please note the Staffordshire LOC Office has a new fax number.
Fit For The Future Community Eye Care Pathways: New COSIs Required- 28/08/2014
The success of the North Staffs/Stoke Fit for the Future community pathways has been such that the increased level of activity requires further suitably trained and accredited community optometrists to sign up. Staffordshire LOC is looking for expressions of interest in the Acute (PEARS), Glaucoma Test B (OHT and suspect COAG co-management), Post-op Cataract and Paediatrics pathways.
Glaucoma Referral Refinement Expansion- 26/08/2014
The Staffordshire Primary Eye care Services Company is always looking to expand Glaucoma Referral Refinement (GRR) Test A and B providers in North Staffs and Stoke.
2014 CET grant claim forms - Claiming your funding- 12/08/2014
The increase in the CET grant has been agreed for 2013. The payment, which is payable in 2014 for CET undertaken in 2013, has risen by 2.5% to £529
Staffordshire LOC Office Move- 22/07/2014
Notification of the change of address for the Staffordshire LOC Office
Staffordshire LOC Annual General Meeting 2014- 19/06/2014
The Staffordshire Local Optical Committee held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 10th June 2014 at the Stone House Hotel in Stone with over 60 optometrists and dispensing opticians attending
LOC Company and Clinical Leads- 12/06/2014
Staffordshire and Shropshire LOCs are working together towards the formation of an LOC Company. Clinical leads will be required for all community pathways. All applicants welcome!
Area Team's Conclusions Re: Assurance of GOS Contracts- 12/06/2014
Jeanette Sims has written to all GOS contractors with reference to their QiO self-assessment forms and action plans.
LOC Election - 04/06/2014
There are currently positions vacant on Staffordshire LOC for a dispensing optician, a community optometrist and a hospital optometrist.
Staffordshire Local Optical Committee AGM - 03/06/2014
The Staffordshire LOC AGM is being held on Tuesday 10th June 2014 at the Stone House Hotel in Stone
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Talk - 27/05/2014
A Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion talk is to be held on Wednesday 4th June 2014 at the North Staffs Medical Institute
Free NHSmail accounts for all optometrists/dispensing opticians in Staffordshire - 26/05/2014
The Eye Health LPN is initiating a programme to provide all optometrists/dispensing opticians with free NHSmail accounts in Shropshire and Staffordshire. Those of you who want an NHS mail account need to complete and return a form to Shelley Stubbs via the LOC office by Friday 6th June.
Staffordshire Enhanced Services Event - 10/02/2014
Staffordshire LOC held an Enhanced Services Event at the North Staffs Medical Institute in Hartshill on Tuesday 4th March where over 40 optometrists attended.
Staffordshire Direct Access Cataract Referral Training - 03/03/2014
Mark McCracken led a training event on Tuesday 25th February on behalf of Staffordshire LOC for optometrists who wished to be accredited to the Direct Access Cataract (DAC) referral pathways in North and South Staffordshire.
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